Puzzle Mania logo


Picture of John, our first founder

John Ayad

Nineteen years old. The youngest most brilliant mind in the team! The one who came up with the idea of Puzzle Mania. John's known for his many achievements in various fields. He is currently a University of Sheffield Computer Science student who aspires to create a better world using his ever-improving programming skills! His message to you is: "GAME ON"

Picture of Homer, our second founder

Homer Simpson

Thirty nine years old. He was one of the very beginning founders of our dear Puzzle Mania. His inspirations come from the best creation of all time, doughnuts. He has a vision of a world made out of doughnuts where everyone can play their favorite game on Puzzle Mania while enjoying a nice round doughnut

Picture of Peter, our third founder

Peter Griffin

Sixty one years old. Old yet brilliant. Elderly yet still thinks like a child. Peter has been the inspiring us to work and develop Puzzle Mania so that it'd become a child-friendly website. Peter loves playing games and watching TV which is how he and Homer became friends

Please note that all the above material is fictitious and only added for the purpose of the assignment